1. Are you familiar with User exits in Reports?
User Exists are 9 Types.
• FND SRWINIT: Fetches concurrent request information and sets up the profile options, in Before Report Trigger
• FND SRWEXIT: Ensures that all the memory allocated for Oracle AOL user exits has been freed up properly- After Report Trigger
• FND FLEXSQL: Before Report Trigger - these user exits allow you to use flex fields in your reports
• FND FLEXIDVAL: used to display flex field information like prompt, value etc
User exit, when called from Report triggers, moves the control from report to the outside program, there it performs the action programmed, and returns back to report environment. The program makes USER to EXIT from ongoing environment to perform certain.
2. Do you know what are User Profiles in Apps? Any e.g.
User Profile: It is a set of changeable options through which your application runs. User profile can be defined at various levels. They are
1. System 2. Application 3. Responsibility 4. User
2.1. What is the difference between AFTER PARAMETER TRIGGER and BEFORE REPORT TRIGGER?
After parameter Trigger: It will fire after the parameter form is displayed. Here we can do validation on parameter values
Before Report Trigger: It will fire before the report is executed and after the query is parsed and data is fetched.
2.2. How are text files read and written in Oracle PL/SQL?
Yes there is a facility UTL_FILE , using this package you can read and write data into text files.
Or TEXT_IO package also there. UTL_FILE is for backend procedures and this writes and reads from DB server, while TEXT_IO package is used in forms to read and write from Client machine
2.3 What are the types of exceptions you face in utl_file ?
UTL_FILE.INVALID_PATH -- Specified path does not exist or is not visible to Oracle
UTL_FILE.FILE_OPEN -- File is already open
invalid_filename -- A file with the specified name does not exist in the path
access_denied -- Access to the file has been denied by the operating system
Path is defined in v$parameter where name = 'utl_file_dir'
A | Append Text |
AB | Append Byte Mode |
R | Read Text |
RB | Read Byte Mode |
W | Write Text |
WB | Write Byte Mode |
*** How do i force to use an index? – Using concept of Oracle HINTS
2.4 Bulk Collect with PL/SQL
In PL/SQL, using bulk collect, it is possible to select the values from mutliple rows in one go.